A Genealogy of the Barnum, Barnam and Barnham Family

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A One-Name Study for the BARNUM/BARNHAM Surname

Notes for Martin BARNHAM/Ursula RUDSTON

About 1630 Sir Francis Barnham, eldest son of Martin, wrote thus of his father's first marriage: ....when he was aboute 25 yeeres old, his parents thought fitt to seeke out a wife for him, and my grandfather havinge some few yeeres before bought the two manners of Bilsington in Kent, he was desirous to match him into that country where the estate lay, which hee meant to assure him, and by the motion of some friends, but principaly by my Lord Wootons meanes (who had beene very familiar with my father at Oxford) there was a treatie of manage sett one foote betwixt him and the daughter of Mr Robt Rudston, cousin germaine to my Lord Wootton, which after some pawses, by reason of the parents disagreeinge about portion, was in the end accomplished, to the great joy of the younge couple, whoe had setled on each other a very deere affection, and to the greate contentment and comfort of theire parents, for though my grandfather Barnham had with his daughter in law but a thousand markes portion, yet her modest and vertuous education and the aliance shee brought, gave him great satisfaction, and my grandfather Rudston joyed so much in the hopefulnesse or rather assured good proofe of his sonne in lawe, as that he prefered him (as I have often heard them both say) before two other husbands then offered his daughter, though both of them were gentlemen of auntient descent in their country, and of farre better estates then could be hoped for with my father. In the year 1572, and the month of August, my father was maried at Boughton Malherb, upon the desire and at the charge of Mr Thomas Wootton, whoe was doubly my mothers uncle, and alwaies most kinde and indulgent to hir, and the mariage was sollemnized with the presence of allmost all the freinds and kindred on both sides, and Sr John Wootton, who was then a younge courtiour, brought a masque thither of gentlemen of qualitie. Within foure dayes after his marriage my father came to live with my grandfather Rudston, and spent about foure yeares in his house, with greate contentment to all, which could not have beene but that his judgment and temper kept him from interfeeringe with the passionatnesse of his father in lawe, whoe was a brave gentleman, and of a very lovinge disposition, but so furiously chollericke as required a greate deale of discretion to avoyd the incounter of that humor.

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