A Genealogy of the Barnum, Barnam and Barnham Family

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A One-Name Study for the BARNUM/BARNHAM Surname

Notes for Warren Partch BARNUM

From the 1880 US Census for Brown County, Kansas: Warren, age 30, Farmer; Nancy, age 22; John, age 3; real estate value $1,200; personal, $500; Neither Warren or Nancy can read or write. Descendant Sue Ashby says that the later statement is not true, as she has in her possession documents in Nancy's handwriting.

In 1888 Warren moved to northwest Nebraska with his sons Warren and James. They built a log house on land south of Crawford, Nebraska and the rest of the family arrived in 1890. The house was built on top of a hill, a building site requested by Nancy so that tornadoes and Indians could be more easily spotted. It was known as the "High Hill Barnum Place" and Warren was called "High Hill Barnum."

Vernon Jenewein of Fennville, MI wrote, in November of 2003: "I grew up on the Barnum ranch about 16 miles SW of Crawford, NE. I was the nearest thing to a "son" Warren Barnum ever had, and he was as my father. My mother worked there for 17 years as a live-in housekeeper. I grew up knowing about as much about the Barnum family as I did the Jenewein family. Warren's middle name is Partch. He was named Warren Partch Barnum from his Grandfather Warren and his Grandmother's maiden name. He was born at Crawford Nebraska. I was there at the ranch and remember the night that his father, Seth Barnum had a heart attach and died, while Warren tried to revive him with CPR. When my Mom and I first moved in with the Barnums, there was Seth Barnum, his brother Herman Charles Barnum, and Warren P. Barnum. Warren's sister, Zelma, knew they needed a woman's touch and her husband, Leon Rittenhouse was a brother to Evan Rittenhouse and my mother's brother-in-law Evan V. Rittehnouse married Georgiana Henrietta Jenewein, my mom's sister. Mom was not married until later in life, and I was adopted by a single woman, one of the first, if not the first, in Nebraska. Herman Charles Barnum, Warren's Uncle, and Seth Barnum's Brother was one of the finest horsemen in the country. If you ever saw the movie "Horse Whisperer," he was one of them....Really. Herm was mostly illiterate, but contributed what he could to the family, and watched and played with me when I was very young. Seth was married to Lottie Phillips. After Lottie died Seth never re-married. He was quite upset when his Son Darrold had 2 sons. Darrold's first son was named Darrold Turner, also known as D.T. Darrold's second son was named James Seth Barnum, and that upset Seth (Grandfather) to James Seth Barnum as he thought his name should be just Seth Barnum like him and his grandfather. Anyway, I wanted to email and let you know that Warren's middle name is Partch, and he always signed his legal papers Warren P. Barnum. I also have picture taken at the cemetery in Crawford, and can verify that Herman C. Barnum is Herman Charles Barnum. Also Zelma Daisy Rittenhouse has divorced Leon C. and she is still living and has information on the Barnum ancestry as well. I remember that one of Seth Barnum's brothers died from an ice skating accident. I understand he was an excellent skater but had an accident on the ice one day and fell flat on his back with a severe concussion. His ability to digest food from that day on was hindered and he did not live much longer after the accident."

Warren Parch Barnum (1834~1901) Saw Civil War service on the Union side. Listed as serving in the 47th Ohio Regiment from 1861 through 1865. He was captured in the Battle of Atlanta, imprisoned, and then set free at war's end.
Lavinia S. Konopka gives him a birthdate of 17 Dec 1834.

Seth Barnum Bible
Lavinia S. Konopka gives him a death date of 7 Aug 1901.

A Research Guide to the Genealogy of the Barnum/Barnam/Barnham Family Worldwide




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