The following two articles were copied from the "Church" vertical file at the Van Buren District Library, Local History Section. No dates were given by the submitter.
“Disciple” Church of Paw Paw to Mark Centenary - “….Among the men who followed the Rev. Martin as pastors were the Revs. Martindale, Miller, Anderson, Roc, Wilcox, Lane, Jackson, Sencer, Frame, Crane, Ebert, Collins, Russel, Searls, and Brooks.
Among the early church documents is found the following, “We, the undersigned, having met at the dwelling of Brother Loyal Crane for the purpose of setting in order the things that remain, have proceeded to do so by appointing Brothers James Crane and Loyal Crane, bishops, and Brother Asahel S. Downing and Samuel Turner deacons.”
Among the pioneer names which appear frequently in the Disciple church history are Daniel Abbott, Almon B. Corey [could be Covey], Samuel Turner, Rheuma Barnum, David Woodman, J. W. Bal, N. P. Conger, A. S. Downing, M. P. Allen and J. F. Bullard.
Another article states, “Disciples of Christ to Observe 100th Milestone With Week of Services” - “In addition to those named members, the following joined the church at the meeting of March 25, 1843: Rheuma Barnum, Sally Ann [Barnum] Crane, Hannah [Barnum] Downing, Alanzo J. Abbott, Eliza Crane (nephew of Hanna Barnum), Ann Turner, Sarah Ann [Lyle] Barnum, Susannah Lee and Sally [Barnum] Armstrong."
The maiden names were added by the submitter. James Crane was married to Polly Barnum, Sally’s sister. Rheuma Barnum is probably Ruhamah Palmer (parents Othniel Palmer and Silence Stevens) who married Isaac Barnum, Sally’s brother. A.S. Downing is Asahel Smith Downing who married Hannah Barnum, Isaac’s daughter. Downing migrated to Almena in the spring of 1836 according to the History of Van Buren County, pg. 401. Many of these persons came from Cayuga County, New York.
A copy of a land record seems to show Sally Barnum's husband as Francis Armstrong, not Eben. The land involved is near the Abel Barnum property.