A Genealogy of the Barnum, Barnam and Barnham Family

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A One-Name Study for the BARNUM/BARNHAM Surname

Notes for Charles Lee BARNUM

In a Feb 2005 E-mail, Sandy Krumbiegel Cornell states that she got the following information about the Barnums from Doreen Maurer. She shows Charles' father as Robert L. (not D. as is shown on his death record). He was in the Civil War, a farmer, a game warden, and a fire chief. Charles ran off to join the Civil war in 1857, before he was 18, and lied to enlist. He never returned to New York or had contact with his family after he ran away. He was mustered out in 1865 in Memphis, Tennessee; he had been injured. There was no room in the ambulance so he was taken to the hospital in a wagon. He fell out and hurt his back. It is not known how he got to Minnesota after that. He signed his pension which was notarized. He gave middle initial as L. on some papers and middle name Lee on others. Wife, Emily, applied for his disability and pension in Dunkirk, New York and that was notarized at the time. As far as being related to P. T. Barnum, it is said that he and Charles were cousins. He took his circus to Hasting, Minnesota, which was a very small town at the time. He had dinner with Charles and Emily, told their daughter, Ida, that he was their cousin, and drank from their well. In the 1860 US Census of Mount Morris, New York there is a Charles Barnum, aged 12 in the home of Geo. Whitney. Charles is a student and says he was born in New York. There is also a Charles L. Barnum in the 1890 Veterans Census in Dakota, Minnesota. Anna Lee Barnum Krumbiegel's death certificate has her as born in Minnesota. Therefore, her father Charles had to have been in Minnesota in 1884. In the Census of 1900 for Dakota County, Minnesota, Charles says that his father was born in New York and his mother in Pennsylvania. His occupation was "drayman." A son, William H., was born in Dec. 1876. That coincides with the William H. buried in Lakeside Cemetery (as is Charles) as Rosie at the cemetery provided the date of birth as 1876 and d. 15 April 1949. There is an obit for him in the Hastings Gazette. Doreen Maurer, relative, said that the other two William Barnums buried there. are not related to her family. They are: (1) William from New York buried 29-Aug 1877 at age 45 (b. abt. 1832) buried in Block 8 Lot 8. He drowned. In the same lot at the cemetery is (2) William H. who died 27 July 1882 at age 29 (b. abt. 1853). There is a John T. Barnum in the Cemetery from New York died 4 Feb 1873 and buried 27 April 1873. Rosie said that the ground in Feb. may have been too hard to dig so the burial was delayed. There is an obit for him in the Hastings Gazette on 8 Feb 1873 In the 1910 Census Charles is listed as age 69 (?) and born in New York. Wife, Emily and daughter, Jessie are both listed. He stated that his father was born in Michigan and his mother born in Scotland/English. This information might have been provided to the censustaker by someone who was not sure of the places of birth. Or it could be that his father was born in Minnesota, and lived most of his life in New York where Charles was born. But then, Charles might have been born in Minnesota as well. 1880 Census of Dakota County, MN show a Charles b. 1847 and Emma born 1859, children: William b. 1877, Charles b. 1878, Maud b. 1875. The birth dates do not fit with our Charles and Emily but they had children with these same names and some of the dates are close for those children. Charles says that he was born in Iowa and the places of his parents were not given. Emma says her parents were both born in Prussia. The information from Doreen Maurer has Emily's mother as being born in Holland and father in Germany. In the 1920 Census of Minnesota, (Ramsey County, Saint Paul). Charles is age 78 and Emily age 69. Charles born New York as was his mother and father. His occupation was Warden. The information from Doreen Maurer said that one of his occupations was a game warden. Charles died in 1922. Information on death date and burial date provided by Rosie at Lakeside Cemetery in Hastings, Minnesota. No exact death date but burial was on 7 April 1922. There are obits for John T. and the William b. in 1876. Talked to Jim Andre at the Minnesota Dept of Health. He found the death record and provided all information on it. His father was named as Robert D. Barnum, no mother named. Born in NY and died in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Occupation was proprietor of a transportation company. The birth date given was May 12, 1842 not 1844 as was on the Cemetery information. He died April 5. 1922. Charles ran away at age 16 (1857) and joined the Army.

Veterans administration pension records show that Charles L. Barnum was a private in Company "E" 15th Iowa Infantry and Company "L" 1st Iowa Cavalry. His widow received a pension as an Army Widow.

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